Labels:bulletin board | lodestone | reckoner | sky OCR: Table... Makes alist of the current function's values You can specify interval and step width. The step width can be: positive numerical value. auto' or The step width is chosen to represent the function's curve as well as possible, calculating Targer number points in strongly bent parts - the curve 'points' or 'p' The function is calculated only at the x-values of the current data set. This is useful compare fit with measured data-points select current x-data set click into the head (column number) of the desired column while holding the command key down: dn-dod menu appears, where you select the item if the option key is held downwhile choosing the Table command, proFit displays the 'internal data 'which has last been used to plot, calculate. fit etc. .(x-values, values and errors) Calc ...